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This author SUN LAWYERS LLP has created 19 entries.

HK Tech 300 – 深圳創投日.第六站走進光明活動

4月8日上午,本行合夥人馮健華律師獲邀出席深圳創投日·第六站走進光明活動,由深圳市地方金融監管局、深圳市科技創新委員會、深圳市工業和資訊化局、深圳市財政局、深圳市光明區人民政府共同主辦。香港城市大學作為香港科創專案路演分會場承辦單位,攜7家「HK Tech 300」培育的精品科創專案進行路演展示,現場彙聚了深港兩地眾多知名投資機構。 香港城市大學於2021年推出大型創新創業計畫「HK Tech 300」。計畫推出後獲得熱烈反響,迄今已有超過1300人參加了「HK Tech 300」的創業培訓。此外,計畫亦邀請到約120名經驗豐富的創業家、工業家、商會代表及專業人士擔任創業導師,打造了全方位孵化服務體系。本行正是支援機構之一。 在嘉賓分享環節,多位行業代表發表主題演講,分享發展經驗,主題包括:《深圳合成生物科學與產業》、《以城大為例,香港高校推動深港科創合作高質量發展的經驗分享》、《深交所科交中心業務介紹及服務光明科學城的實踐與思考》、《合成生物學投資理念》、《天使投資與科技創新》等。 下午,主辦單位邀請了7家香港高校和企業孵化的精品科創專案進行路演,以及數家頭部創投機構代表。一眾香港嘉賓及內地投資機構代表對專案進行點評,活動完滿結束。

SUN Lawyers’ Participation in HKU LEAP 2023

During the academic year 2022/2023, our Firm continue to join the Legal Advice Program (“LEAP”) of The University of Hong Kong (“HKU”). We have taken a total of 4 HKU students, and allocated 2 lawyers to provide pro bono services to 2 organizations from various industries, including rooftop farming and art education. We are pleased to hear favorable feedbacks from the students: Flora Ling: “My experience of working at Sun Lawyers has been extremely pleasant and meaningful. I had the opportunity to assist

Startup Legal Workshop 1.0: “Company Law in PRC” 中國公司法

[2022-09-16] – Startup Legal Workshop 1.0: “Company Law in PRC” 中國公司法免費法律講座我們聯同了香港科技大學創業中心,舉辦內地法律專題講座,集中講解中國公司法,有興趣了解在中國發展公司業務的話,千萬不要錯過!講座內容包括:1. 中國公司法背景2. 中國設立公司條件3. 初創公司如何進行架構設計如有查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。電話 : (852) 2521 6333電郵 : enquiry@hksunlawyers.com如欲觀看更多影片, 請按以下連結如欲了解更多法律知識, 請按以下連結

Professional Wednesday

Our firm participated in “Professional Wednesday” arranged by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (“HKSTP”) on 13th April 2022.“Professional Wednesday” is a 1-on-1 consultation event between the companies in HKSTP and professional advisors.On this occasion, our firm provided legal consultations to 6 start-up and technology companies. We advised on topics concerning cryptocurrency payment service; company share acquisition; startup’s legal compliance issues; formation of foreign companies; licensing agreement regarding Metaverse and privacy issues.The event has been tremendously fruitful for all


Sun Lawyers LLP Participation in LEAP of the University of Hong Kong During the academic year 2021/2022, our firm joined the Legal Advice Program (LEAP) of the University of Hong Kong again.The LEAP program is designed to encourage law students to participate in pro bono legal services to the community. Students can also engage in practical legal works, along with familarising themselves with the daily work in a law firm.During the program, a total of 4 students from the University of Hong

LEAP & Our New Economy Department

During the academic year 2020/2021, our firm joined the Legal Advice Program (LEAP) of The University of Hong Kong, a program bringing law firms and law students together to provide pro bono legal services to the community. At around the same time, our firm was also developing our New Economy Department, which aims to provide legal services catering for the needs of start-ups at each stage of their lifespan. Below, we have set out a summary of 2 cases in

維律唯仁之新經濟 (New Economy)

[2022-04-24] – 新經濟 (New Economy)近幾年我們經常會聽到「新經濟」這個字眼,但其實好多人都不知道新經濟是指什麽 …… 指經濟體內生產或深入使用創新或新科技的層面或界別。隨著經濟全球化和資訊科技進步,我們越來越依賴 …… 新經濟的公司多以利用科技、大數據及互聯網等創立新的產品或服務,所以也要特別留意知識產權、數據保護等方面 ……我們為新經濟業務提供綜合服務,包括但不限於融資、合規、併購等。立即預訂 30 分鐘免費諮詢:如欲觀看更多影片, 請按以下連結如欲了解更多法律知識, 請按以下連結

維律唯仁之股東協議 (Shareholders’ Agreement)

[2022-04-17] – 股東協議 (Shareholders’ Agreement) 股東協議是股東之間有關於公司管理的協議。其目的是保護股東在公司的利益,建立股東之間的公平關係,規範公司的運作方式等。它包含與公司及股東之間關係的具體、重要及實用的規則 …… 股東協議通常會包含一項稱為“權威性條款” ……股東協議/如欲觀看更多影片, 請按以下連結如欲了解更多法律知識, 請按以下連結

維律唯仁之非同質化代幣 (NFT)

[2022-02-15] – 維律唯仁之非同質化代幣非同質化代幣: 數碼藝術新世紀……非同質化資產即獨一無二、無法以同類資產作等價交換的資產。常見例子為紀念品或收藏品。NFT由區塊鏈技術驅動,現正逐步顛覆整個數碼藝術世界。…整個NFT生態圈亦會不斷拓展及蛻變,在技術上精益求精,在各個方面帶來更多機遇。詳情請按以下連結如欲觀看更多影片, 請按以下連結