Sun Lawyers LLP Participation in LEAP of the University of Hong Kong
During the academic year 2021/2022, our firm joined the Legal Advice Program (LEAP) of the University of Hong Kong again.
The LEAP program is designed to encourage law students to participate in pro bono legal services to the community. Students can also engage in practical legal works, along with familarising themselves with the daily work in a law firm.
During the program, a total of 4 students from the University of Hong Kong were assigned to our firm for the experience. We arranged our partners, Mr. Franky Fung and Ms. Artemis Szeto to provide pro bono legal services to two companies of different sectors, including robotics (artificial intelligence) research and software development.
Our firm is commited to provide legal services for the “new economy” industry in the future.
The followings are the positive feedbacks from participating students about the program:
Claudia Yuen:
“I have gained a lot of valuable experiences through the two-month attachment in Sun Lawyers LLP. By serving a technology-based social enterprise, I have gained insight into the relationship between the use of artificial intelligence and product liability. Apart from learning more practical legal knowledge and skills, helping to review the client’s employment contract and subscription agreement also reminds me about the importance of thinking from the client’s perspective and taking into account the client’s business nature when drafting the relevant clauses and terms.”
Alfred Lo:
“It has been my utmost pleasure working under the guidance of Sun Lawyers LLP in the Leap Programme 2022. During my stay, I was tasked with a long-term project in assisting a tech-based SME client with both their internal and external legal documents. While working on the project, I was able to gain insight and hone my skills in a multifarious aspects, especially with agreement drafting and legal research. I was also constantly challenged by engaging in unfamiliar legal topics, where I learnt effective methods in conducting research and acquired an improved understanding of previously unfamiliar areas of law such as intellectual property. The opportunity to transfer my textbook knowledge into practice to serve the community was quite rewarding.”
Harry Poon:
“It was with immense pleasure that I undertook a 2-month pro-bono placement under LEAP at Sun Lawyers LLP, during which I was tasked to review a Non-Disclosure Agreement and Terms & Conditions for a non-profit company. Moreover, I had the opportunity to revise a Developer Agreement under the guidance of Franky and Jeffrey, to safeguard the legal interests of the non-profit company as a developer. Throughout these two months, I had gained pragmatic insights of Contract Law by drafting common boilerplate clauses.”
Natalie Lo:
“It has been a great honour to participate in this LEAP program and it has been a fruitful and meaningful experience working as a pro bono intern at Sun Lawyers. During the program, I was given the chance to be part of the team in advising our client — a local start-up app developer, on a business agreement with their supplier, including reviewing the terms and conditions in their contract, drafting of clauses and advising on their legal position such as offering additional suggestions as to how they might better protect their business interests and avoid potential risks in future contracts. I am grateful that we were provided with adequate support and guidance by our supervisor in approaching the work, and that we were give ample opportunity to provide our opinions and to raise questions.”